Mad Max Fury Road Felix Tindall
Man of Steel Jordy Roelofs
Godzilla Marko Manev
Raising Arizona David Amblard
No Country for Old Men Felix Tindall
Guardians of the Galaxy Marko Manev
Reservoir Dogs David Amblard
Django Unchained Fernando Reza
The Dark Knight Rises Jordy Roelofs
Jaws Marko Manev
Taxi Driver David Amblard
Dr. Strangelove Fernando Reza
Bottle Rocket Joseph Chiang
Jurassic Park Marko Manev
Gone Girl Fernando Reza
Fantastic Mr. Fox Joseph Chiang
Man of Steel Marko Manev
The Big Lebowski David Amblard
Napoleon Fernando Reza
Princess Mononoke Marko Manev
The Darjeeling Limited David Amblard
On the Road Fernando Reza