Dumbo Tom Whalen
Interstellar Orlando Arocena
127 Hours Ryan Smallman
Ghostbusters Tom Whalen
Jurassic Park Orlando Arocena
Fight Club Ryan Smallman
Jungle Book Tom Whalen
Mad Max Fury Road Orlando Arocena
Inception Ryan Smallman
Mad Doctor Tom Whalen
Prometheus Orlando Arocena
Mickey's Service Station Tom Whalen
Sons of Anarchy Orlando Arocena
Kick-Ass Ryan Smallman
Paul Tom Whalen
Dallas Buyers Club Matt Taylor
2001: A Space Odyssey Owain Wilson
The Artist Ryan Smallman
Robocop Tom Whalen
Easy Rider Matt Taylor
Back to the Future Owain Wilson
The Dark Knight Rises Ryan Smallman
Terminator 2 Judgment Day Tom Whalen
Fargo Matt Taylor